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名稱 產品展示 說明 備註
510DR2缺氧報警監視器 510DR2缺氧報警監視器,遠程雙O2傳感器
The Nova 510 Series Oxygen deficiency or excess alarm monitors are designed as an O2 'watchdog' against accidental displacement of ambient air in a confined space by inert gases, or by a buildup of too much O2 from an O2 leak in the room.
The monitors all utilize a long life electrochemical O2 sensor. Actual O2 concentration is shown on a digital meter. Alarm set points are pre-set at Nova but are field adjustable if desired. A 'Sonalert' audible alarm with reset button is included.
510DR1缺氧報警監視器 510DR1缺氧報警監視器,遠程單O2傳感器
The Nova 510 Series Oxygen deficiency or excess alarm monitors are designed as an O2 'watchdog' against accidental displacement of ambient air in a confined space by inert gases, or by a buildup of too much O2 from an O2 leak in the room.
The monitors all utilize a long life electrochemical O2 sensor. Actual O2 concentration is shown on a digital meter. Alarm set points are pre-set at Nova but are field adjustable if desired. A 'Sonalert' audible alarm with reset button is included.
510P缺氧報警監視器 510P缺氧報警監視器,泵送採樣
The Nova 510 Series Oxygen deficiency or excess alarm monitors are designed as an O2 'watchdog' against accidental displacement of ambient air in a confined space by inert gases, or by a buildup of too much O2 from an O2 leak in the room.
The monitors all utilize a long life electrochemical O2 sensor. Actual O2 concentration is shown on a digital meter. Alarm set points are pre-set at Nova but are field adjustable if desired. A 'Sonalert' audible alarm with reset button is included.
510D缺氧報警監視器 510D缺氧報警監視器,擴散式傳感器,無採樣泵
The Nova 510 Series Oxygen deficiency or excess alarm monitors are designed as an O2 'watchdog' against accidental displacement of ambient air in a confined space by inert gases, or by a buildup of too much O2 from an O2 leak in the room.
The monitors all utilize a long life electrochemical O2 sensor. Actual O2 concentration is shown on a digital meter. Alarm set points are pre-set at Nova but are field adjustable if desired. A 'Sonalert' audible alarm with reset button is included.
415D2微量氧過程分析儀 415D2微量氧過程分析儀,電化學傳感器-415系列
The Nova 415 Series Trace O2 analyzers have been designed for the detection of trace levels of O2 in a non-corrosive gas stream. In operation, the O2 content in the sample gas is detected by a 'fuel cell' type electrochemical sensor. This sensor produces a small current output directly proportional to the O2 in the sample. This small output is compensated for temperature, amplified, and then displayed in PPM O2 on a digital meter. The signal is also sent to recorder terminals as a voltage or current output. As the sensor ages, the sealed internal electrolyte will be consumed and will require eventual replacement. The sensor normally lasts about 12 to 18 months and is a nominal-cost customer-replaceable part.
415PMN7微量氧過程分析儀 415PMN7微量氧過程分析儀,電化學傳器,壁掛式,NEMA7傳感器外殼,面板安裝式控制櫃(兩個獨立的機櫃)
The Nova 415 Series Trace O2 analyzers have been designed for the detection of trace levels of O2 in a non-corrosive gas stream. In operation, the O2 content in the sample gas is detected by a 'fuel cell' type electrochemical sensor. This sensor produces a small current output directly proportional to the O2 in the sample. This small output is compensated for temperature, amplified, and then displayed in PPM O2 on a digital meter. The signal is also sent to recorder terminals as a voltage or current output. As the sensor ages, the sealed internal electrolyte will be consumed and will require eventual replacement. The sensor normally lasts about 12 to 18 months and is a nominal-cost customer-replaceable part.

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