COMBINE 2538-5五通道數位顯示表
The COMBINE multipoint indicator 2538-5 is designed for applications, where display, output signals and alarms are desired for several measurements simultaneaously. Each input channel can be individualy configured for various input signals. For example, the first channel may accept thermocouple input, the second one Pt100, the third channel 4-20 mA, and so forth. Mathematical functions, such as addition, subraction, multiplication or division, can be made between the channels.
The 2538-5 provides 7 alarms, 2 relay alarms as standard and 5 logic alarms on an extra card (option). They may all set to one channel, or according to any other option.The settings can be affected either via front panel push buttons.
Designed for performance and relialibility, the 2538-5, once confiqurated, is easy to install and quick to operate. The automatic decimal point placement expands the display by showing the small values with decimal point throughout the 0..9999 display of the meter. This function is enabled by the 15 bit A/D converter, with a resolution of 1/32000. The autocalibration takes place once a second, which eliminates temperature drifts and long term changes of the zero level and the measuring range. No potentiometers are used for adjustments.
The modular design and the remarkable inbuilt flexibility enables the 2538 to be programmed for variety of different tasks.
As the 2538-5 is also capable of implementing math calculation between any channel, you will no longer need separate units for various applications. This kind of versality can not normally be found in low-cost instrumentation