高 品 質 產 品

專 業 化 服 務


The X90 Point Level Monitor detects the presence or absence of material at a given point in a tank, hopper, chute or process pipe. All components are mounted externally to the process vessel making the system ideal for monitoring the most dangerous materials such as caustic, toxic, corrosive, explosive, and carcinogenic irrespective of their temperature. The modular design is ideal to upgrade older systems while keeping the existing sources.

Non-Contact Measurement

  • Density/Mass Flow Measurement

  • Continuous Weight Scales 

  • Continuous Point Level Measurement 

  • Multi-Interface Level Measurement 

  • Steel Mold Level Measure & PID Control 

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配料系统  流量开关  流量计  称重事业部  失重喂料机(给料机) 珠海康宝莱