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X54-3000 Din Rail Transmitters []

If ease of mounting and panel space are critical issues in your instrument panel, Ronan's new X54-3000 Series of signal conditioners provide a solution. These Din Rail I/O modules have two completely isolated channels to minimize required panel space and cost. They easily snap onto a standard 35 mm rail and have two piece connectors for easy wiring, commissioning and maintenance. The first seven models of this expanding family of product includes loop powered or 24 vdc powered  transmitters and 24 vdc powered dual setpoint alarm/trip modules. These units can accept mV, Volt, mA, RTD or Thermocouple inputs, and they can provide 4-20 mA or 1-5 vdc outputs. Also available is a four (4) channel input loop powered I-to-I (current to current) isolator. The Transmitter and Alarm Trips come with a number of standard input ranges for fastest delivery, but they can also be re-scaled in the field by the user. Re-scaling is accomplished with jumpers and potentiometer adjustments.  

 Related Support Material : X54-3000 Din Rail Transmitters
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X54-3000 Brochure [L]
X54-3202 Datasheet [L]
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X54-3224 Datasheet [L]
X54-3302 Datasheet [L]
X54-3402 Datasheet [L]
X54-3412 Datasheet [L]

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