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名稱 產品展示 說明 備註
334K便攜式氦過程分析儀 334K便攜式氦過程分析儀,手提箱(K)外殼
The Nova 334 Portable He Analyzer has been designed for the detection of He primarily in air or nitrogen. However it can be used in some other applications with several background gases present. Consult Nova on these applications.

The thermal conductivity (T/C) cell provides a fast and accurate measurement of He. It has an expected life of over 10 years unless contaminated.

In operation, a built in sample pump draws in the gas sample through the probe, filters, flow meter, and on to the T/C cell. The detected He is displayed on an LCD digital meter which has a switchable back light for use in dark areas.

A rechargeable 'gel cell' battery provides enough power for approximately 8 hours of continuous operation and the analyzer can be used while it is being recharged. A red LED tells when to recharge and a green LED verifies that it is receiving recharging power. The recharger is included.

334WP便攜式氦過程分析儀 334WP便攜式氦過程分析儀,防水(WP)外殼
The Nova 334 Portable He Analyzer has been designed for the detection of He primarily in air or nitrogen. However it can be used in some other applications with several background gases present. Consult Nova on these applications.

The thermal conductivity (T/C) cell provides a fast and accurate measurement of He. It has an expected life of over 10 years unless contaminated.

In operation, a built in sample pump draws in the gas sample through the probe, filters, flow meter, and on to the T/C cell. The detected He is displayed on an LCD digital meter which has a switchable back light for use in dark areas.

A rechargeable 'gel cell' battery provides enough power for approximately 8 hours of continuous operation and the analyzer can be used while it is being recharged. A red LED tells when to recharge and a green LED verifies that it is receiving recharging power. The recharger is included.

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